Expert services
Expert services provide customized service offerings after a project-specific analysis and are available for the Bosch Security and Safety Systems product portfolio.
On-site support

With our Expert services, you can count on our expertise for Commissioning, Troubleshooting, and Repair for Bosch products or solutions wherever needed.
Bosch technical specialists with expert knowledge are available either remote or at your customer installation site, at predictable costs and at a flexible schedule, to minimize delays and downtimes.
We support you to provide or restore full functionality of your customer’s security and safety solution.
Bosch is active in more than 60 locations in Europe, the U.S. and Asia Pacific, and more than 100,000 customers worldwide benefit from our experts’ knowledge.
We help to avoid situations jeopardizing the relationship between you and your customers.
How to book an expert
Your easy way to get the expert service on-site and remote services for your products or solutions wherever needed.
- End customer contacts System Integrator (SI) for on-site services
- SI contacts Bosch and requests on-site services
- Bosch contacts the SI for service order clarification, e.g., problem description, appointment, access details, scope of work.
- SI clarifies details with the end customer.
- The end customer orders BOOST on-site or remote service at a SI.
- SI with a Bosch account orders the service at Bosch. SI without a Bosch account orders the service at a Bosch product Distributor (DI).
- Bosch technician executes the service on-site or remote.
- In case of on-site service, the SI is involved.
- Bosch technician writes an execution report and sends it to the service purchaser.
- SI or DI forwards the report to the end customer.
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