Our partner Arbor

Arbor offers solutions for managing, recording, and distributing audio and video solutions for a diverse customer base. We have provided efficient, user-friendly, state-of-the-art solutions to parliaments, court rooms, broadcast stations and other professional organizations.

Joint offering
Bosch and Arbor deliver a high-quality solution consisting of a Bosch conference system which is seamlessly integrated with the logging system of Arbor to record audio of all individual delegates, capture their video images and record the interpretations. It will also store the name, country, political party of the delegates, agenda and voting sessions as metadata from the Bosch conference system is shared with the logging system of Arbor. The physical logging can be stored at a local server or in the cloud. All this data can be shared for web-casting services, for example Arbor Connected Views.
Bosch conference and discussion systems
Our range of highly secure and extremely versatile conference systems, offer solutions for different application areas, from small local events to huge international summits. Based on the application type, the number of seats and the required system functions, you can choose the right conference solution for all your customers.
Interface and technical integration
The Bosch “IP-based DICENTIS Conference System’’ and the Arbor logging software have been digitally interfaced by using the TCP-IP API protocol and DANTETM audio technology.
Verticals: City councils and municipalities, parliaments and regional councils, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, court houses, boardrooms in commercial buildings and the banking sector etc.